Healthy Living

What is heart failure?

Heart failure is the term used when the heart becomes less efficient at pumping blood round the body, either while you are resting or active. The term heart failure is unfortunate because it implies that the heart has actually failed. However, most people can have some control over their condition by making changes to their lifestyle and by taking their prescribed medication. And for some people, surgery or other types of treatment can help.

How a normal heart works:

Circulation of the blood around the body is essential as the blood takes nourishment to all your tissues and organs. It also transports waste materials to the lungs and kidneys, which then get rid of them from the body. The heart is a muscular pump that pumps blood around your body. The two sides of the heart the right side and the left side  work together. Blood from your muscles and organs enters the right side of your heart. The heart pumps the blood to the lungs where it takes up oxygen and removes the carbon dioxide it has been carrying. This oxygen-rich blood then enters the left side of the heart. From here it is pumped through the arteries to all parts of your body including to the heart muscle itself.