Departments Detail

The department of radiology offers services that caters to the needs of in patient, out patient and outside referrals by providing the best possible and modern diagnostic facilities. The department is certified by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) working under the regulatory requirements of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). For quality assurance and radiation safety, regular audits and inspections are conducted by PNRA.


The department caters to approximately 800-1000 patients per month which is to increase many folds in the coming days. It is fortified with a team of radiologists, trained and certified radiographers, medical physicists and IT support staff. X-Rays done on latest computerized system (CR) which has minimized the patient waiting time, radiation dose, report turnaround time, film rejection rate, film loss, and simultaneous viewing of images by multiple users. All of this has resulted in increased throughput and enhanced quality of patient care.


RIC Radiology department provides the following facilities:

  • - Cardiac MRi (New)
  • - CT-Angiography done on 64 slice.
  • - 2D Ultrasonography.
  • - Color Doppler which includes:
  • - Carotid Doppler.
  • - Peripheral arterial & venous Doppler.
  • - Abdominal vascular Doppler studies.
  • - Obstetrical Doppler done on latest ultrasound/Doppler machines Toshiba Xario 100.
  • - X-Rays on latest computerized radiography (CR) system.

Portable Imaging:

Portable X-Rays, Ultrasound/ Doppler facility for emergency and wards done on latest portable equipment. 

Further Objectives:

  • To develop a research resource center in the department. 
  • To move towards film-less radiology and develop the picture archiving and communication system (PACS).
  • Development of VRS (Voice Recognition System) to transcribe radiology reports which will help in reduced report turnaround time and increase patient satisfaction with quality reporting.